Qualitative detection of sulfites in meat products marketed in the province of Santa Fe, Argentina
food additives, meat, sulfitesAbstract
Sulfites are additives that are used as preservatives and antioxidants in certain foods. According to the Argentine Food Code (CAA), their use is not allowed in raw meats because it masks the true state of preservation and diminishes their nutritional value by breaking down vitamin B1. Therefore, the objective of this work was to qualitatively detect the presence of sulfiting agents in fresh meat products from butcher shops in different locations in the province of Santa Fe, in order to control the use of this additive. The samples were taken in bulk and received in the laboratory of the Santa Fe Food Safety Agency (ASSAl) at refrigeration temperature. Between 2011 and 2018, a total of 1,071 samples of meat and fresh meat products were submitted, including minced meat (532), fresh sausages (357), hamburgers (149), and meatballs (33). First, a screening was conducted with the malachite green technique (AOAC 961.09), and for confirmatory purposes, the samples that tested positive were qualitatively analyzed using the optimized Monier-Williams method (AOAC 990.28). The comprehensive study showed that 28 samples of minced meat (5.3 %), 59 samples of fresh sausage (16.0 %), 25 samples of hamburger (16.7 %), and 2 samples of meatballs (6.1 %) contained this additive. In conclusion, based on the data obtained, the main use of sulfite salts in some meat industries was found in the production of fresh sausages and hamburgers; hence, the control of these foods is a crucial task for regulatory authorities.
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