Editorial Policy


We understand that knowledge is the result of social collaboration and cultural heritage and that restricting it impedes the advancement of academic knowledge, science, research, and technological innovation, all of which are essential for the development of society and each of its members. Therefore, in line with the spirit of the Budapest, Bethesda, and Berlin declarations, Revista Científica ANMAT advocates for the free circulation of information and adheres to the guidelines proposed by the Open Access model. All users can access the content free of charge and without restrictions on reuse or temporary embargoes, following the principles of the Plan S initiative (Europe).



According to Sherpa/Romeo guidelines, authors may deposit and share any version of their work in repositories, institutional websites, social networks, or any other electronic media, without an embargo.



Revista Científica ANMAT is committed to complying with and maintaining ethical behavior standards at all stages of the editorial process. Depending on the case, the journal follows the recommendations established by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) and the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE).

Conflict of Interest

Conflict of interest occurs when any individual involved in the editorial process has financial or personal relationships, formal or informal, that may influence or contribute to biased decision-making regarding the results, interpretation, or conclusions of a scientific work.

Given that the presence of these conflicts can damage the credibility of the journal, and the primary interest is to protect the integrity of research, Revista Científica ANMAT encourages authors to submit a signed Declaration of Conflict of Interest along with their manuscripts.

Furthermore, reviewers, editors, and anyone involved in reviewing or making decisions about articles should abstain from participating in the editorial process if they have a conflict of interest.

If a reviewer (Case 1) or a reader (Case 2) suspects an undisclosed conflict of interest, action will be taken according to COPE recommendations.

Authorship Criteria

As recommended by the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE), each person listed as an author must meet the following criteria:

  1. Substantial contribution to the conception or design of the article or the acquisition, analysis, or interpretation of data.
  2. Involvement in research design or critical review of its intellectual content.
  3. Approval of the final version to be published.
  4. Ability to respond to any aspect of the article to ensure that issues related to the accuracy or integrity of any part of the work are adequately investigated and resolved.

In addition to being partially responsible for the work, an author must be able to identify that their co-authors are also responsible.

Corrections and Retractions

Unintentional errors are part of science and the editorial process and require the publication of a correction when detected. In these cases, the journal will publish a correction notice as soon as possible, detailing the changes, citing and linking the original publication. A new version of the article will be published with the details of the incorporated changes and the date(s) they were made. Previous versions will indicate that a more recent version of the article exists. If such errors do not change the meaning or significance of the results, interpretations, and conclusions of the article, an erratum that meets the minimum standards will be published.

If errors invalidate the results and/or conclusions of the work, a retraction notice will be published.

Scientific Misconduct

Revista Científica ANMAT considers practices such as plagiarism, self-plagiarism, duplication, and salami slicing (fragmentation) to be violations of scientific ethics and integrity. Therefore, they will not be tolerated during evaluation and publication.

To prevent misconduct in scientific editing and publishing, internet search engines, tools such as Google Scholar, among other resources, will be used to track similarities or parallels with other texts, both from the same authors and from third parties. If any of these practices are detected, each case will be evaluated according to COPE and ICMJE recommendations. Depending on the outcome, the article in question may be withdrawn: a) before publication, with prior notification to the author, or b) after publication, in which case the editor may publish a retraction notice, in accordance with COPE's Retraction Guidelines.

Furthermore, Revista Científica ANMAT encourages everyone involved in research and its publication (authors, researchers, reviewers, editors), the scientific community, and the general public to report any type of misconduct detected to the journal.


Revista Científica ANMAT does not tolerate plagiarism. COPE defines plagiarism as "when somebody presents the work of others (data, words or theories) as if they were his/her own and without proper acknowledgment.”

If content (words, data, figures, images, or other elements) not of one's creation is included, the original publication source must be referenced; otherwise, it will be considered plagiarism.

In case of suspicion or detection of plagiarism, both in a submitted manuscript (Case 1) and in one already published by the journal (Case 2), action will be taken according to COPE guidelines.

Self-Plagiarism (Text Recycling)

According to COPE, text recycling, also known as self-plagiarism, occurs “when identifying sections of the same text appearing in more than one of an author’s own publications.”

BioMed Central, in collaboration with COPE, has developed guidelines to address cases of text recycling (self-plagiarism). Revista Científica ANMAT will adhere to these recommendations.


ICMJE defines duplication or redundant publication as presenting or publishing "an article that substantially overlaps with one already published, without clear and visible reference to the previous publication."

Authors should not submit the same manuscript, whether in the same language or in different languages, simultaneously to more than one journal. If the journal suspects this has been the case, in a submitted manuscript (Case 1) or in a published one (Case 2), action will be taken according to ICMJE and COPE guidelines.


COPE divides the redundant publication category into two classes: major overlap and minor overlap; fragmentation (or salami slicing) falls within the latter.

This practice involves splitting the data or results of a research into multiple shorter works or articles. The original study is reduced to others of lesser extent and complexity in order to publish more articles.

Articles will be compared by searching for previous publications on the same topic or similar publications by the authors. Each case will be evaluated according to the degree of data coincidence, as specified by COPE (see the Duplication section).


Research Protocols

The guidelines established by the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) will be followed for articles containing data and information obtained from research on human subjects. Authors are expected to follow the best available research protocols, in accordance with guidelines set by the WHO and international entities of which it is a part.

In line with ICMJE and WHO recommendations, Revista Científica ANMAT establishes that clinical trials must be registered in a public trial registry to be considered for publication. The trial registration number must be published at the end of the abstract along with an electronic link to the corresponding registry. Revista Científica ANMAT does not specify a particular registry, but recommends that authors register their clinical trials in one of the registries certified by the WHO and ICMJE, available on the International Clinical Trials Registry Platform (ICTRP).

Ethical Principles

Revista Científica ANMAT is committed to the highest ethical principles for conducting research, in accordance with the Helsinki Declaration and the International Ethical Guidelines for Health-related Research Involving Humans by CIOMS, as well as the Universal Declaration on Bioethics and Human Rights by UNESCO. Manuscripts presenting research conducted on humans must include information about the ethics review committee that approved the study before its commencement. Ethics approval should be obtained in the country where the research has been conducted. If a study is considered exempt from ethics review, authors must provide documentation related to such exemption.