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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission file is in Microsoft Word format.

Author Guidelines

Basic Criteria for Submitting Works

Original and Unpublished

Manuscripts submitted should not have been published in another scientific journal nor be under simultaneous editorial review elsewhere.

Documents to Submit

  • File 1: Anonymized Article

The document should not contain the author(s) name(s), affiliation details, contact information, conflict of interest statement, funding sources information, or acknowledgments.

  • File 2: Complement of the Article

This document should specify the article title, author(s) name(s), affiliation details, contact information, conflict of interest statement, funding sources information, and acknowledgments if any.

  • File 3: Declaration of Ethical Aspects and Conflict of Interest

This document should be signed by all authors to ensure transparency throughout the editorial process. It consists of three parts: the first and second parts list a series of clauses related to authorship responsibility and the submitted work, respectively; and the third part includes a form about aspects relevant to the evaluation process.

Thematic Scope

The journal accepts research related to products, processes, and technologies for human consumption used in medicine, hygiene, cosmetics, and food.

General Order and Structure of Articles

Title: in Spanish, with a maximum of 30 words. Include the translation in English.

Authors: List each author (name and surname) who participated. For publication purposes, the first-listed author will be considered the first author.

Authors will be asked for their corresponding ORCID iD. For instructions and obtaining the ORCID iD, they should access the following link:

Affiliation: Specify the full name of the institution each author belongs to, without abbreviations. At the end, include the city or province and country.

Correspondence: Name and surname of the contact person and email address.

Abstract: in Spanish, 200 to 300 words, and in English, variable length subject to the Spanish version.

Keywords: in Spanish and English, between 3 and 5. The terms used should be included in the Medical Subject Headings database.

Article Body: Follow the IMRaD format when applicable.

Graphics Elements: Tables, graphs, figures, and/or photographs should be inserted where appropriate and properly cited in the text. Authors should be aware that editors may request the original format (tiff, jpeg, png, etc.).

Conflict of Interest Statement: Include only if necessary.

Funding Sources: Include only if necessary.

Acknowledgments: These can be included if desired by the authors (institutions providing financial support are excluded from this section).

Bibliography: List references with Arabic numbers in the order of appearance in the text, following Vancouver style guidelines.

Revista Científica ANMAT encourages the use of Zotero, a free reference manager, which allows collecting, organizing, sharing, and reusing bibliographic records in word processors like Microsoft Word or Open Office.

For inquiries or more information, you can send your message to the email address with a copy to

Original Article

- Experimental: spontaneous submission with peer review. A scientific publication that compiles primary data and constitutes the final product of experimental research generating new knowledge. It aims to establish statistical associations between variables under study. This section includes clinical trials. The structure of such articles follows the IMRaD format: Introduction, Methods, Results, and Discussion (may include a Conclusions section). Maximum length: 5,500 words; maximum number of tables and/or figures: 8; maximum number of references: 100.

-Observational: spontaneous submission with peer review. These articles systematically compile data from observing real-world events where the researcher has no control. They include cross-sectional studies, case-control studies, and cohort studies. Requires corresponding statistical analysis and follows the IMRyD pattern as described above. Maximum length: 5,500 words; maximum number of tables and/or figures: 8; maximum number of references: 100.


- Systematic: spontaneous submission with peer review. Summarizes results from available and carefully designed studies, providing a high level of evidence on the effectiveness of health interventions. It involves selecting publications on a specific topic and analyzing the information to present discussion and conclusions. A clear description of search criteria and study inclusion/exclusion criteria is required. Follows the IMRaD structure.
This type of publication includes descriptive reviews without statistical analysis and quantitative or meta-analysis reviews that integrate systematically, using statistical techniques, information from previous publications. Articles must adhere to PRISMA guidelines. Maximum length: 5,500 words; maximum number of tables and/or figures: 8; maximum number of references: 120.

- Bibliographic: spontaneous submission with peer review. This is a thematic or monographic review addressing a specific topic. Unlike systematic reviews, it follows scoping review guidelines and is considered an update on the topic. The structure does not follow the IMRaD format but should minimally include an introduction on the topic, development, discussion, and/or conclusions. Maximum length: 5,500 words; maximum number of tables and/or figures: 6; maximum number of references: 100.

Case Report

Spontaneous submission with peer review. Based on describing specific cases or issues that, due to their significance or complexity, provide important information to peers or serve as a basis for new studies. Although these articles do not strictly follow the IMRaD structure, they should include an introduction, case presentation, and discussion with conclusions. Examples include describing an unexpected adverse event in a patient, original results from analyzing a sample or product, novel findings from an oversight task, etc. Maximum length: 3,000 words; maximum number of tables and/or figures: 5; maximum number of references: 20.

Regulatory Approach

Spontaneous submission. This is a thematic review where the author, on behalf of an institution, takes a well-founded position on a specific regulatory topic. The structure does not follow the IMRaD format but should minimally include an introduction on the topic, development, discussion, and/or conclusions. Maximum length: 3,000 words; maximum number of tables and/or figures: 5; maximum number of references: 20.

Technical Report

Spontaneous submission with peer review. These articles comprehensively describe products or processes that serve as inputs for other research. Some documents may be the first report on a completely new technology. In other cases, substantial improvements and/or expansions of existing technologies may be reported, which should be thoroughly compared with those used in the field. Maximum length: 2,500 words; maximum number of figures or photographs: 3; maximum number of references: 20.

Letter to the Editor

Spontaneous submission. These are short communications, generally addressing methodological, interpretative, content-related aspects, etc., about previously published material in the journal or current topics. Maximum length: 1,000 words.

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.