General Information


The dynamism in the generation of scientific knowledge and the accelerated pace at which findings are produced in the field of research have forged a new paradigm in the way science is communicated. In the new model, immediacy has become a fundamental factor in shortening the publication deadlines of articles, impacting their relevance, timeliness, and novelty. Without overlooking the benefits this brings to both authors and readers, Revista Científica ANMAT publishes under a continuous model. Each article that goes through the editing process is uploaded to the website immediately after being accepted, without waiting for the periodicity of each issue.


Funding and Publication Costs

The common interest of authors and editors is to disseminate what they write and publish. Therefore, Revista Científica ANMAT subscribes to the non-profit editorial publishing model, the diamond route. In this way, authors will not have to pay processing fees, and users will be able to read and download the published articles free of charge.

The National Administration of Medicines, Foods, and Medical Devices finances the costs of management, publication, and dissemination.

Because funding sources can bias content through the choice of topics and viewpoints, Revista Científica ANMAT adopts the recommendation elaborated by the Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE):

The journal takes full responsibility for the policies, practices, and content of publications, including complete control of the decision to select authors, peer reviewers, and content for the journal.



According to the recommendations of the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE), best practice prohibits advertisements that match editorial content about the same product. For this reason, and because Revista Científica ANMAT is a non-profit publication, the journal does not accept advertising or promote products or services.